
About Huntingdon 咨询服务

cloverdale建筑十大菠菜靠谱平台大学咨询服务提供专业的咨询服务,使学生能够改善他们的心理和情感健康,使他们能够更好地在学业上脱颖而出, 专业, 和个人.


咨询服务位于Cloverdale校园Cloverdale大楼的正门(鼓剧院入口)附近. 咨询服务 is open for appointments Mondays through Fridays, 8:00 a.m. 到下午4点.m.,有一定的灵活性. HCCS observes holiday 和 vacation days as designated by the College.


保密 is an essential part of our counseling process. All aspects of your participation in counseling services at HCCS, including the scheduling of appointments, 咨询内容, 以及我们保存的所有记录, 是机密. There are limitations of confidentiality, which include:

  • 如果客户自愿填写并签署了一份信息披露表,明确说明具体信息可以向谁披露.
  • 如果咨询服务相信, as a result of information shared, 当事人有对他/她自己或他人造成伤害的迫在眉睫的危险,或他/她自己也有迫在眉睫的危险.
  • 如果咨询服务相信, as a result of information shared, that abuse of a minor child or a vulnerable adult is occurring, 法律要求HCCS向州人力资源部或另一个州的类似机构报告这种情况.
  • 在极不可能的情况下,法院传唤顾问的记录涉及一个法律案件的客户, the counselor might be legally required to surrender them. (The counselor has never been required to do so, but the possibility does exist.)



HCCS为目前注册的十大菠菜靠谱平台全日制学生提供心理健康服务. Full-time students are those students, 17岁或以上, 就读于十大菠菜靠谱平台主校区,位于东美景大道1500号., who are enrolled in 12 or more semester hours, 或者在不到12小时的时间内注册,但在支持毕业进程的所有可用时间内注册, 或者注册时间少于12小时但已到注册期限的学生, or who are enrolled in less than 12 hours but are current residential students.


任何符合条件的学生都可以来参加一次咨询,以了解更多关于咨询的信息,并确定咨询是否适合他/她. 在咨询中, 个人被告知HCCS政策,并签署知情同意书和隐私惯例表. 如果他/她想开始咨询,个人将继续摄入.


咨询 officially begins with an intake. 在一个入口, 客户完成文书工作, discusses with the therapist his or her goals for counseling, 和 is evaluated to determine if treatment at HCCS is appropriate. Please allow 90 minutes for an intake appointment.


十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 咨询服务 offers individual, 夫妇, 家庭, 还有团体咨询, to assist students in meeting their emotional needs 和 personal goals. 咨询包括在治疗师和来访者之间建立一种安全的、治疗性的关系. 治疗师倾听而不做判断,以便了解来访者和他/她想在咨询中完成什么. The therapist helps the client set 和 work toward achieving goals. Each client may utilize up to 10 counseling sessions per academic year. 可以在咨询中解决的问题包括(但不限于):抑郁症, 焦虑和压力, 关系问题, 学术困难, 悲伤/损失, 愤怒管理, 药物滥用, 自尊, 调整问题, 性别认同问题, eating disorder/body image issues, 和滥用/创伤. 咨询 sessions normally last 50 minutes. You do not need to be in crisis to benefit from 咨询服务.

Types of 咨询 Appointments

请查看以下内容,并在咨询预约申请表上注明哪种类型的预约适合您的需求. HCCS辅导员理解每种情况都是独特的,无法在本文件中完整描述. A feeling of emergency or crisis is defined by the client. HCCS将根据潜在客户对他/她需要被看到的紧迫性的描述作出回应.


如果你觉得你马上就要冒着夺走自己或他人生命的危险, or if you have taken recent steps to end your life, your appointment is considered an emergency appointment. HCCS can assist you in contacting campus security, (334) 324-6565, or calling 911.


如果你觉得你不会马上冒着夺走自己或他人生命的危险, 和 you have not taken recent steps to end your life, 但你正在处理一场需要心理健康专家迅速关注的个人危机, your request is considered urgent. HCCS will assist you in receiving necessary resources. 在紧急预约中处理的常见问题包括自杀或杀人的想法,但没有立即伤害自己的意图或其他最近的性侵犯.


标准预约的目的是帮助客户获得咨询服务或其他校园服务的需要. A st和ard appointment may or may not occur on the day you request an appointment, 视情况而定. Typically, st和ard appointments occur within one week of a request. Concerns that bring clients to st和ard appointments include:

  • 焦虑和压力
  • 饮食和身体形象问题
  • 抑郁症
  • 学术困难
  • 自尊问题
  • trouble adjusting to college life
  • 感情问题/分手
  • 酗酒或吸毒
  • 恐慌
  • 最近失去了所爱的人


After considering the descriptions of Emergency, 紧急的, 和 St和ard Appointments provided above, 请在您的预约请求中注明适合您的情况的预约类型.



Request a counseling appointment by completing the 咨询 Appointment Request Form. 此表格的硬拷贝可在咨询办公室获得,并可填写并交回办公室. You may also call the office at (334) 833-4302 to make an appointment.


十大菠菜靠谱平台的学生健康服务办公室和咨询服务办公室每年都会进行几次筛查,以评估学生的心理健康等健康问题, 使用酒精, 药物使用, 饮食失调, 和 other behaviors that can lead to health risks. Some of these assessments are collected through anonymous questionnaires, others through online screenings.

十大菠菜靠谱平台的 在线检查 是保密和匿名的. Screenings are available for 抑郁症, 双相情感障碍, 焦虑, 创伤后应激障碍, 酒精滥用, 还有饮食失调. Following completion of a screening, 您可以要求转介进行外部咨询或治疗和/或由咨询服务办公室进行评估.



  • 1-800-273-8255(讨论); 网站





任何链接到外部网站和/或非十大菠菜靠谱平台或HCCS信息提供在大学网页上或从大学网络搜索引擎返回是出于礼貌. 这些链接不应被解释为HCCS对链接材料的内容或观点的认可, but are merely provided for your information 和 convenience.
